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Anihhya Trumbo
Sep 28, 2019
In Vaginal Birth Stories
So I had what some have called the best pregnancy no complications, no morning sickness, no body aches etc so I assumed when my time to birth came I would be great. I remember going to my last appointment with my midwife and complaining that everyone around me was having their baby so she stripped my membranes in hope that I would go into labor because I was now 40weeks and measuring 41weeks and 4cm and 100%efface. 4 days later I am sitting at home watching tv and I remember I kept getting up to pee thinking I was peeing on my self I let that go on for a few hours (I wasnt having any noticable contractions) around 7pm I realize i wasnt peeing my water had actually broken. So I call the midwife tell her what going on and she advises that I can stay home until my contractions start or go to the hospital. I chose to stay at home walk a few laps around the neighborhood with my family and then around 10 pm I call my midwife again tell her I still haven't noticed anything but I wanna head to the hospital because she had told me that after my water broke I has 24hrs to have my baby. I arrive with my support system (10 people family and birth photographer) around 11pm. Once I get in my room I am told that my midwife has already said if I didnt progress more by 4 or 5 am to start pitocin. My contractions did pick on on their own and I was managing fairly well I was only annoyed with having to do hands and knees with constant monitoring. I get started on pit at 6am my labor progresses and I finally get to 5 cm around noon. After being on pit for a few hours my body jumps into gear and starts to contract strongly on it own so I was allowed to come off pit at that time. I then decided to get into the labor tub I stayed there for about 30mins before giving in and ask for staydol. All this time I have had about 10 to 12 people in the room and numerous phone calls which had its pros and cons of course. At around 2pm I ask for and epidural because I couldn't handle the back labor I was now 7cm. At around 430 pm I get sick and my mom informs the nurses and they decide to check my cervix I am now 9cm. My midwife come in and says im just about 10cm but my baby is sitting high which didnt help because my cervix was already hard to get to. At about 5pm pushing starts and right off the start I was pushing wrong because I was in fear of having a BM with everyone in the room. At that point my midwife ask everyone to leave except the 4women i want because my father and grandfather being in the room was hin ering me from being able to push the right way. I'm pushing and pushing with nothing to show in my mind so I automatically start to get frustrated I even remember my midwife asking if I wanted to use the mirror so I can see I'm making progress and I said " it's not going to make a difference he still isnt here" after almost a hour and a half of pushing my baby boy is finally here but he comes out not breathing so he was automatically taken to be worked on. Luckily I had people in the room that was able to care for me and keep me calm while the others were watching what was going on with my baby boy. Needless to say after the golden hour and everyone leaving I was so tired I sent my son to the nursery and allowed them to give him supplemental formula even though I wanted to breastfeed. If I could have changed one thing that I now know could have made a difference it would have been to hire a doula.

Anihhya Trumbo

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