New Doulas to Nashville
If you got hired today and she went into labor tomorrow, would you be ready? Look no further than My First Doula Kit! This unique kit will smooth the transition from class to jump-starting your career. You can feel confident knowing that you have all you need.
My First Doula Kit! includes:
Cooling Cloth
Rebozo Chart
Peanutball Chart
Mama Comfort Cloth (aka bleachable rebozo)
Gua Sha Massage Tool
Affirmation Cards
Oil roller balls: Orange & Lavender & Peppermint
Breathing beads
Massage Ball
Honey Sticks
Compact Professional Bag
Only $150 (compare $250)

If you are new to doula work, you probably have a ton of questions. Here are some questions people commonly ask themselves before picking a doula program: How much can I afford to pay? Do I want to join a program that requires me to pay a membership fee every year? Do I want to take a physical class or one that is only on-line? Do I plan on certifying or just getting trained? Can I live the doula lifestyle of being on call 24/7 and missing out on family things? Is now the time for me or later in life when kids are older?
Finally, talk to a local doula and ask her opinion about the program through which she certified.
There is always something new to learn. Pick up a book and keep yourself current. Here are some we suggest:
The Birth Partner: A Complete Guide to Childbirth for Dads, Doulas, and All Other Labor Companions by Penny Simkin
Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Newborn: The Complete Guide (Expanded and Updated) by Penny Simkin, P.T., Janet Whalley, RN., B.S.N., and Ann Keppler, RN., M.N.
Gentle Birth Choices by Barbara Harper, R.N.
Ina May's Guide to Childbirth by Ina May Gaskin
You Just Glow and Other Lies of Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Beyond by Lisa WeissOptimal Care in Childbirth by Amy Romano
Childbirth Without Fear by Grantly Dick-Read
Thinking Woman's Guide to a Better Birth by Henci Goer
Pushed: The Painful Truth about Childbirth and Modern Maternity Care by Jennifer Block
Breastfeeding Made Simple: Seven Natural Laws for Nursing Mothers by Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC
Nursing Mother, Working Mother: The Essential Guide to Breastfeeding Your Baby Before and After You Return to Work(Revised Edition) by Gale Pryor and Kathleen Huggins, R.N., M.S.
The Nursing Mother's Companion by Kathleen Huggins, R.N., M.S.
After the Baby's Birth by Robin Lim
Placenta: The Forgotten Chakra by Robin Lim
Eating for Two by Robin Lim
Worth Every Penny
You INC.
On-line Resources:
Your Doula Bag where you can buy doula and birth support products.
Doulaing the Doula has many great articles to guide you on your journey.
Better Birth Doula Services and Your Doula Biz has tips for keeping track of your clients.
Your Better Birth has great quotes to help lift you.
Youtube videos about Rebozos or search for Naoli Vinaver. Rebozos range in price from $20 to $110.
Sandi Krakowski has all kinds of free start-up business help.
1. How do I find clients? Get active in the community on Facebook or volunteer your services. Once people start to know you, they will refer clients to you. blogging is also a great way to let others know you have great information and experience to share.
2. How much should I charge? That is up to you to set the price. Typically, it depends on how much experience you have and the value of your services. The prices range from free to over $1000. The average seems to be around $600.
3. What services should I offer? That is also up to you. Some doulas just offer doula service. Others are yoga teachers, health coaches, placenta encapsulists, photographers, lactation consultants, childbirth educators, etc. Make sure your professional welcome packet is informative and easy to read. Present yourself as well prepared. Your clients want to be reassured that you will be professional and follow through on all your commit to do.
4. What kind of doulas are there? Birth, Postpartum, Loss, Sibling, and Infertility doulas are some of the options.
Tips to Grow Your Business
1. Finish the reading etc. required for certification before worrying about getting clients. You don't want to stop your client flow to finish your certification.
2. Create your brand before taking your first client. What do you want to call your business? What type of women will you best serve? How is your business different than the other doulas? Don't be plain vanilla. Focus on your uniqueness. Create your website and print those business cards to pass out to moms and fellow birth workers. Weebly, Zohosites, and Wordpress are free and a quick way to start out. VistaPrint or Overnight Prints usually have good coupons on the web for printing your business cards.
3. Volunteer in the birth community. This helps you understand the local vibe and helps for moms to get to know you. Instead of you yelling to the crowd to "hire me", you will then have other moms to speak up about you and your business. Contact for more info.
4. Join local birth groups (ICAN, BWI) and visit their monthly meetings. This helps network and broadens your ability to be a good resource. You not only know about what Nashville has to offer, but you have visited these places personally.
5. Find a doula mentor.
6. Keep your day job. Being a birth doula brings in only a hobby income. No doula in Nashville is solely supported by birth doula work. She has a flexible day job too or a husband that supports her financially.
7. Recognize that it takes about 1 year to 18 months to build up your clientele. Don't be discouraged, but keep working to make yourself better. Connect to other doulas to help lift you. Good luck!