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Hello! I’m Loree Eaker. When I’m not busy with birth work, you can usually find me with my husband and two young kids. They’re all a bit crazy, but I wouldn’t trade them for anything. When I have some free time, it usually involves books, my plants and herbs, dancing, or doing yoga, or eating a fresh chocolate chip cookie.
Currently, I am in the middle of completing my certification as a breastfeeding counselor to complement my birth and postpartum doula certifications. Always looking for continuing education opportunities where I can grow and expand, I have training in rebozo work and Spinning Babies techniques as well.

Born and raised in Nashville, the oldest of ten children, working with babies comes naturally to me. I’ve been doing it my whole life! But, experiencing birth firsthand is what led me to this work. Every mother’s journey is unique and she deserves to be uniquely supported emotionally, physically, and informationally. She has the right to know and understand what options she has in pregnancy, birth, and beyond, in order to make truly informed decisions for herself and her family. As your doula, I strive to cultivate an environment in which you feel seen, heard, and loved, so that when you later recall your birth story, you find one full of peace, empowerment, and joy.

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I have experience with:
    First time moms
    Non-medicated births
    VBAC births
    C-section births
    Twin births and postpartum support
    Spinning Babies concepts
    Rebozo use in pregnancy and birth
    Hospital Births
    Birth Center Births
    St. Thomas OR Certified
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